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一、 GpsDrive介绍

您是不是觉得购买现成的GPS导航设备太昂贵,抑或是没个性,没有发挥自我创造性的空间? 那么好了,欢迎您试试GpsDrive。
以下内容引自: http://gpsdrive.kraftvoll.at/index.shtml
GpsDrive is a car (bike, ship, plane) navigation system. GpsDrive displays your position provided from your NMEA capable GPS receiver on a zoomable map, the map file is autoselected depending of the position and prefered scale. Speech output is supported if the "festival" software is running. The maps are autoselected for best resolution depending of your position and can be downloaded from Internet. All Garmin GPS reveiver with a serial output should be usable, also other GPS receiver which supports NMEA protocol.
GpsDrive is written in C with use of the GTK+ graphic toolkit and runs with Linux and FreeBSD.
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